Company: The Unrehearsed Shakespeare Company
Venue: Black Rock Pub
Position: Director
Photos by iNDie Grant Productions.
- Prospero tells of Sycrax (Kate Lass)
- Miranda (Gaby Labotka) and Prospero (Alexandra Boroff) hear strange noises
- Ferdinand (Adrian Garcia) meets Miranda
- “I might call him a thing divine.” (Gaby Labotka as Miranda)
- Prospero (Boroff) threatens manacles
- Gonzalo (Aiyanna Wade) counsels patience.
- Alonso (Jack Sharkey) despairs his son’s (supposed) demise
- Antonio (Nathan Ducker) and Sebastian (Sydney Ray) counsel sleep
- Caliban (Adam Betz) bewails his servitude
- Trinculo (Robbie Bersano) fears the storm
- Stephano (Bill Daniel) works the audience
- “Kiss the book!” (Daniel as Stephano, Bersano as Trinculo)
- “You are three men of sin!” (Erin O’Connor as Ariel)
- “I were a sore one, then.” (Bill Daniel as Stephano)
- Prospero (Boroff) forgives the king